People are always wondering what God's Will is for them, like it's some kind of mystery.
Well, here's one in black and white: Be thankful. That is God's Will.
So, why does being thankful matter to Him, you ask.
Let's consider what the opposite looks like: complaining and feeling dissatisfied which leads to coveting.
How does it make you feel to have your own children whining about not having the latest bit of technology and not considering the food you put on the table to keep their bellies full, the abundance of warming clothing that keeps them warm and the well heated home that protects them from the cold.
Want to improve being thankful?
It's easy! Buy a notebook or journal and just jot down at least one thing every day that you're thankful for---and it MUST be different each day! No repetition!
This teaches you to be observant and the practice of gratefulness will cultivate contentment in your life and contentment leads to a greater sense of satisfaction with life.
Thankfulness is the herald of joy.
"If we have food and covering, with these we shall be content."
~1 Timothy 6:8~
(Photo from Pixabay)